Friday, June 15, 2007

Summer Drought

So I'm considering going on a self-induced summer drought. That is a dry summer - dry of all alcoholic beverages. Can this be done? I am not sure. Do I NEED to quit - no. I'm not an alcoholic or anything. But would I be healthier if I stopped - yes.

This is something I've debated about in my head many a times, and I feel the need to list the pros and cons on here to help me make an informed decision.

Why Life would be better if I stopped drinking:
1 - My liver will thank me in 20 years
2 - My ever increasingly droopy eyes and rapidly appearing crow's feet will be slowed down. Let's be honest - alcohol is not a woman's best friend in the aging department
3 - I will drop some poundage. Wine = calories. Calories = fat. Fat = me right now
4 - Next time I get pregnant I won't have "oh crap, shouldn't have had those 4 drinks yesterday" moment - and self-induced guilt that occurs afterward.
5 - I will no longer wake up next day saying "I can't believe I said that!"
6 - My father-in-law who thinks I'm a wino will be so proud

Why Life would suck oh so bad if I stopped drinking:
1 - Um....because it sucks to not drink
2 - Bubba will be oh so disappointed if I stop coming home on Thursdays saucy and ready to fool around.
3 - Bad days will just be bad days...not bad days made better by consumption.
4 - I may die of cancer because I will replace wine with diet sodas which have cancer causing agents.
5 - I may die because Sunny may kill me if I quit - ha!
6 - Why impose self induced dryness on myself? When inevitably I will be pregnant again and have to stop anyway and then be pissed at myself for all the time wasted without drinks.
7 - Have many trips and occasions coming up (NY with mom-in-law, wedding receptions, vacation with Bubba) that would be less fun without embibing.
8 - It's summer...what fun is summer without time spent on deck with margaritas?

So what do you girls think? Should I cut myself off? Or keep the party going?


choose me. . . . love me said...

I don't drink. . . . I also don't think it is wrong; my brother drinks socially sometimes. I guess I never liked the taste and with Flame's addictive type personality we've decided as a couple not to even go there and start drinking even socially! You forgot the cost factor too in the "better to quit" category, you'd have more money for clothes or other fun stuff. I vote quit, but no judgment if you don't!

jill b said...

Um, you forgot another con: Jill can finally drink and I wouldn't be able to partake with her. :-)

Amber said...

I vote moderation. Pick one day a week.

Sunny said...

You go ahead and not drink but this is my summer to be a lush or more of a lush. Last summer was a dry summer for me. This summer won't be.

I won't kill you just taunt you!!!

Debby said...

such good advice from all sides - what's a girl to do?